Manage your screensaver branding

As an agency, enterprise, or digital marketing company, you want your employee' devices & conference meeting hardware to always have a company-branded screensaver.

Our solution lets you manage it remotely within minutes.

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Conference room screensaver
Google Meet Hardware

All your Google Meet Hardware in your company-branded style. Based on the customization possibilities, you can make an interactive screensaver or display a simple image or video based on a schedule.

“ScreensaverBuddy has revolutionized our branding strategy at Cloudcarrier, seamlessly managing screensaver branding for our MacBooks, iMacs, Apple TVs, and Google Meet Hardware through its intuitive online portal. Its user-friendly interface and centralized management have significantly elevated our visual identity, making it an indispensable asset for any company looking to enhance their branding across diverse devices.”

Stephan Mooiman, Cloudcarrier
Stephan Mooiman – Office Manager
Product screenshot for Google Meet Hardware

Conference room screensaver
Apple TV

With our custom Apple TV screensaver, you can display your message or branding using images, video's or even your website.

The ScreensaverBuddy back-end makes it possible to display your messages to your users. Our intuitive backoffice helps you configure & schedule the playlist.

Product screenshot on Apple TV

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Want to make your device branding as seamless as possible? With the ScreensaverBuddy you can create & manage your branding on all your business devices.